
my photo Hi, I'm Antonio de la Vega de León. I am a chemoinformatician and ML/AI expert focused on the development and implementation of novel machine learning strategies to guide the discovery of novel drugs. My expertise lies on the implementation, interpretation and characterization of machine learning models to predict biological endpoints of interest, with a focus on prioritizing molecular glues for screening at complex phenotypic assays.

Previously, I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Sheffield, as part of a Marie Curie project against Alzheimer's disease (D3i4AD). I originally studied Biology in Madrid and decided, when I was finishing, to focus on bioinformatics. I went to Bonn to do the Life Science Informatics masters. There I was introduced into chemoinformatics by Prof. Jürgen Bajorath, with whom I did my master's thesis and then my PhD.

With this website, I want to show the research I have done and that I am currently working in. You can also see the outreach events I have been involved with and also the teaching I have been involved with. The links below go to my profile in different social media from where you can get in touch with me.
